
Must see Sights

Pelion Train

While being on holiday in Pelion, one must not omit going on a ride with the Pelion Train, the well-known Moutzouris!

The Pelion Train was constructed in two stages from 1894 to 1903 by the Italian civil engineer Evaristo De Chirico, father of the famous painter Giorgio de Chirico.

The train had been a point of reference in the wider region for 80 years, as it offered important services to the development of East Pelion, by transferring people and merchandise, from Volos to Milies.

Today, after 25 years of immobility, the Pelion Train still follows the same route!

Starting from Lehonia, it mounts, whistling like old times and passing through the traditional villages of Ano Gatzea where it makes a quick stop, Agia Triada, Agio Athanasio of Pinakates, Argyreika, till terminating in Milies.

In Milies you can watch the manually-operated inversion of the direction of the locomotive, heading towards Lehonia on its way back.

While being on this wonderful ride on the Pelion Train you will be able to enjoy: the unique in Europe masterpieces of De Chirico (6 stone bridges with two arcs, three arcs, four arcs, a stone bridge with five arcs and one made of metal), stone bridges with arches, innumerable green sceneries, a smooth passing from dream to reality in total harmony with the rich natural environment of Pelion. Additionally, the old train stations present great Architectural interest and the train tracks (preserved in excellent condition until today) are considered unique in Greece.

When you reach Milies, the temple of Pammegistoi Taxiarches is definitely worth paying a visit due to its significant history, since, among others, it is the original place where Anthimos Gazis raised the flag of revolution against the Turkish Possession, on May 7th 1821. You should also visit the Library of “Psychis Akos”, where the historical flag, as well as unique manuscripts of centuries, books and rare documents from the period of Ottoman domination are kept up until today. Finally, don’t miss out visiting the Folklore museum.

Through the paths of the mountain in Milies you may pass to Vizitsa, Pinakates, Ai-Giorgi and visit the old mansions, the churches, the chapels and the numerous monasteries, all of them taking you back to those old times.

Routes start in April and the season ends in October. This specific way is suitable for hiking, as well. It is also worth being noted that that there is the possibility of the whole train being rented by associations, tourist groups or even anyone interested.

The route of the Pelion Train endures 90 minutes, with a 15 minute stop in Ano Gatzea and in Milies with an average speed of 20-25 km/h.

Flamingo Hotel is one of the Pelion Hotels that can help you with anything else you might need, as far as the Pelion Train is concerned.

Tel: (+30) 24210 39723
During winter: During summer:
10.00 From Ano Lehonia to Milies 10.00 From Ano Lehonia to Milies
15.00 From Milies to Ano Lehonia 15.00 From Milies to Ano Lehonia
On Saturdays and Sundays from Daily
April until October
No itineraries are executed on
Easter Sunday
